Friday, 3 April 2009

"Do you fancy a quick fiddle now we're in here?"

FUCK this. I will be cryptic. *types away*


Turbulent week in terms of matters of the "heart". Started with E, then added was J. Later, as a surprise, S jumped into the equation only to jump out. So now only E and J? Not that I mind, but I was looking forward to having S.

Actually, given the choice right this moment it'd be S, J and E. But circumstances can change. And the "heart" can change - oh yes, it can.

Sizzling, burning, intense S? Cuddly, quirky, sweet J? Calm, pleasant, casual E? Sounds like drugs; not far from the truth. Can't OD though - must make a choice. Clearly, S is a bad batch but good girls like to taste that which is bad. Good girls are practically drawn to bad things like moths towards fire. The high obtained with J is wonderful but short-lasting. Took a great deal of effort to whip up this mixture, but do I really I want it? And god knows what E will make me do - does it even have an effect really? It's old news and I want something else.

(Truth be told, drug effects are temporary but they give me satisfaction, if only for a while. Brain damage may occur in the process, but what do I care? I only want a bit of fun.)

I have no patience - I want my fix now. The dealer better hand it to me next week, though I have no idea what will be delivered. Definitely not S, which is unfortunate. I shall have to taste both E and J.


  1. Haha. Love it! Love how you've fooled us all that you're talking about drugs. Or are you? xD
    GOSSIP! Wow. Its awesome that you managed to have that many at once. Why choose one? Why not have all of them? ^^

  2. Am I? ;P

    S is out of the picture because he's got another women by his side (It's ok though, I've got patience ;D). Technically I am having both E and J ATM, since they're both fulfilling different roles. It's so much fun x) *giggle*

  3. I still think the idea of S is hilarious, but the question is, is S's girl a definite or just a possibility? Then again, I know nothing of J and I haven't heard of any sparks flying in regards to E in a while so maybe I'm just in it for the lulz - as you say - at you with a bad boy. Hmm.

  4. Oh my! Deary me.. Well, I just have this to say, really: Go for the bad boy! XD
