Thursday, 19 February 2009


Erwin har rätt - ibland inser man inte hur lyckligt lottad man är när man kan sitta hemma och bara "vara".

Jag vill inte har något mer med projektet att göra. Faaaaan, varför valde jag inte något som intresserade mig mer? (Jo, därför lärarna vill att man jobbar i grupp. Who else would want to work with food? Yeah that's right - no one.)

Fakkit alltså.

Anywho, skippar så klart skolan imorn. Orka dra mig dit för advisory, "project time" och en ynklig geografilektion när man istället kan använda tiden för att jobba arslet av sig på reporten. Måste till skolan vid 3 dock, har newspapermöte.

(By the way, I'm considering if I shouldn't just write in English from now on. I assure you I'm considering this because of my audience and not because I might be too lazy to write in Swedish at times :P)

Nu är det snart 4 på morgonen. Jag är trött men känner inte alls för att gå lägga mig än. So let's do that list of expenses I was talking about, ey?

    Smaller costs
    Cambridge exam (1750 - refunded 875 from school)
    Mabel's birthday present (?)
    Caitlin's birthday present (?)
    New school bag (?)
    Possibly a pair of shoes for spring (?)
    UngMedia årsmöte (around 600)

    Larger costs
    Trip to Alicante (paid 1320 so far. Will probably need another 3000 at least.)
    Prom (paid 2000 so far; will need at least 1000 more.)
    Graduation (approx. 300 so far; no idea how much this will go up to or if I'm paying the costs or not. Excluding studentmottagning.)
    Possible trip to Amsterdam (probably need at least 4000.)

So. We're looking at around a total of 13 000 SEK if I'm paying everything myself; 9000 SEK if my parents are feeling generous. This means I will realistically speaking be coughing up 4000 SEK before the Alicante trip. We have 3 more utbetalningar of our studiebidrag before graduation (our 4th utbetalning will be on the day we graduate xD), which will be 3150 SEK in total (minus a few smaller expenses). Then, after graduation we will get our last studiebidrag in June (i.e. 1050 SEK).

If I plan my economy accordingly, I won't have to kiss goodbye to all the stipendiums I received last year. (And thank god most of my friends have birthdays later in the year.)

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