Friday, 27 February 2009

Last weekend...

... was great fun.

First, a fun afternoon with Sarah, Felix, Charm and Emma at G Chocolat (where else?). There was cake buffet for 50 SEK! Ah, happy days ♥ It was a shame that Anna couldn't grab her share, though when she dropped by after her errands we force-fed her some of our slices.

(I actually restrained myself and took 3 slices - there were 7 different cakes in total.)

There were also free chocolates on the counter, and free semlor. Is it any wonder why we're there so often? ♥

Later on in the evening, Anna, Felix and I headed to Annedalkyrkan for Anúna's performance - and what a performance it was. Hearing great choral voices in the acoustics of the church is nothing short of breathtaking. And the great thing is that Anúna's not a professional choir, which is why they also have a personal and humourous approach when addressing their audience. The McGlynn brothers are very amusing xD

(All my favourite songs were performed! When they announced "Dúlamán" there was a very audiable "Yes!" from the front row which could or could not have been me... 8D;)

After the concert was over we got to talk to some of the singers - I believe it was Rory, Kevin, Lucy, Alice and John. So much fun to be able to converse with them about random stuff. Also, Felix bought the Sensations album but forgot to get Michael to sign it Dx We fail. But it was fun to see him stand behind the sales counter like some comical manager who's selling merchandise to people after getting his trained monkeys to entertain the crowd - you get the picture x)

Fast-forward to Saturday evening - "movie night" at Felix's. When I arrived only Magnus was there, and shortly after Hedvig joined us. We shared a really nice spicy tomato soup which Felix had prepared. Eventually the rest arrive - Emma, Anna, Sarah and John (or Slinzer). We watched Knocked Up, had Sarah's quick-fix kladdkaka and then just goofed around and talked.

(We had frozen blueberries with the kladdkaka. People forgot to put them back in the freezer. Looks like menstruation blood, doesn't it? Slinz smeared some on his face and ran roaring into Felix's room, in true war-paint style.)

Anywho. That was last weekend, all great and stuff. This week, not so great. At least I found a new song that I like ("All Spark" by The Editors :D)