Sunday, 8 February 2009

Vem vet, inte du. Vem vet, inte jag.

Once again, har haft en produktiv helg! Städat, fixat grejer, rensat skräp, etc. Tycker att jag måste ta tag i livet och få saker gjort :) Känns riktigt bra faktist. Samtidigt verkar det som jag har nått en punkt där jag faktist kan lose myself (tack till Skins som inspirerade detta) - eller ja, nästan i alla fall. När jag flyttar hemifrån, då kommer det hända saker.

(Skins - a fuckin' amazing show, yah?)

Onto my next topic though (taking it in English because it's quick); the game of love. I really detest how we get sucked into this game of wits and clever facades. Sure, it's fun if you're not serious, but what happens when you get serious? Everything gets so unnecessarily complicated. If we could boycott the game of love, people would probably not torture themselves with crushes/unrequited love. I've seen it tear people down and it seems pretty dreadful and pointless.

Well, my dears, I'm going to screw the rules and speak my mind on my next date. There's my two cents on the topic.


  1. absolutely looooooooooooooooooove skins.

  2. Got me confused with the show 'Skin' (without the s), and that seemed like a good show (although only seen the first two episode and it only has seven). Should give 'Skins' a try...!
